Monday 19 September 2011

Keep Calm And Put It On A T-Shirt...

In the Spring of 1939, with war against Germany all but inevitable, the British Government’s Ministry of Information commissioned a series of propaganda posters to be distributed throughout the country. ‘Keep Calm And Carry On’ was one such poster and in recent years it’s spawned thousands of parodies.

It only seemed natural that the posters would evolve into t-shirt slogans and while we can all agree that they’ve been done to death, they still do prove very popular.

Getting Shirty jumped on the bandwagon a couple of years ago and recent sales figures show the three best selling t-shirts have been ‘Keep Calm’ parodies.

Who wouldn't need to keep calm when killing zombies?

Based on the British comedy The IT Crowd

Do you have any 'Keep Calm' parody ideas that you think would look great on a t-shirt? Post a comment below and you never know, it may be on a t-shirt very soon!

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